Sunday, 9 September 2012

Entertainment for the Braindead - "Postcard #1: Songs for the Apocalypse" (self released)

"In the last few years I have travelled more than ever before in my life. Physically, in terms of seeing foreign countries, walking through wastelands, kissing new friends goodbye in distant airports, as well as mentally, just gathering new experiences and insights.. And sometimes I managed to record those journeys, let some of those moments curdle into sound and song. Those acoustic artefacts of different points in time and space now lie on my desk like postcards that I bought and lettered yet never sent. Now if I were to travel back in time to those points that were significant, where would I end up? What's written on those postcards that I'd find now that I forgot about? I'm not quite sure, but either way it's time to go and send them, one by one, until we have a collection that traces the steps on this journey. The trip starts on an island in the Baltic, summer 2010, will continue to spring in Turkey, move back home from there.. and end in Berlin as we move from past to present tense. It will contain songs about apocalypse played on water bottles and resonating flintstones, the very first attempts to play a piano, explorations of vocal music, discoveries of new instruments, songs about yearning for departure and songs about return. You will see, as each month from now until the end of the year, you will receive a bunch of mixed and mastered memories from me." (Entertainment for the Braindead)

Alcune release hanno il pregio di arricchire la mia cultura geografica e di portarmi a scoprire  alcuni luoghi finora a me sconosciuti. E' il caso di "Postcard #1: Songs for the Apocalypse"di E.F.T.B. Quattro tracce scritte e registrate nel 2010 a Hiddensee, un'isola tedesca nel Mar Baltico, località di villeggiatura molto amata dagli scrittori, luogo pacifico e interdetto alle automobili. Barche a remi e canti di gabbiani, la voce del silenzio che ti sussurra la sua beatitudine. Una chitarra acustica che racconta con semplice serenità il suo stato d'animo appagato. Melodie e armonizzazioni vocali che mi offrono sfocate visioni di esseri umani in ginocchio intenti a pregare e a sperare in un mondo in cui il suono delle monete e delle guerre economiche senza spari ed esplosioni siano solo un cattivo ricordo. "Hiddensee" è una leggera e salutare medicina contro lo stress quotidiano. A volte bastano quattro brani come questi per sentirsi meglio.

Entertainment for the Braindead

Label: Self released
Style: Acoustic/Ambient/Folk
Date: September 02, 2012

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